Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Broken Hearts

Topic sounds like a real boring, sad story is gonna be revealed below, but then, I would like to take this as an interesting topic and try to make it interesting.

So here we go in the search of a real broken heart -

I was wondering that there might be so many people who fall in so called "Love" and after sometime, they come out of it saying their heart is broken. Now what actually this broken heart means to some people is what I am going to find out and come to a conclusion -

First I met this guy (Mr.A), who was looking kind of sad and he was staring at blue sky.
"Hi dude, what’s up? Howz life", I asked him. He was kind of surprised and gave a "Do I know u" kind of look. "Hi, who r u?” he said in return. "I am kind of doing a survey on broken hearts, so is ur heart broken?” He stared me for a couple of minutes and then spoke "Yes, my love left me last month. She got engaged and hasn't invited me for her marriage". "Yeah, man, very sad indeed. I know how it feels!!" I said though I dint know how it feels really. So this guy had a broken heart just coz his love dint invite him for her marriage and this bloke spent his time staring at the blue sky. I dunno what he is thinking. So I moved on to this next person.

"Hello... Hello... I can’t hear u properly... can u call me later?" this second guy (Mr.N) was talking in his cell. I went near him and as usual started with "Hi". This guy took it very nicely and returned with enthusiasm saying "hello". I started off with usual talk abt knowing him and finally asked him "Is ur heart broken?” Suddenly his face went pale, he let out a big sigh and then started "Maan, dont ask me, u dunno how it feels when heart breaks man". I thought, this guy looks cool but is so much depressed and intended to listen to him. He continued - "I dun have any girlfrens, nobody understands me maan. Sometimeback I liked this girl (miss.X) who rejected my proposal. Then I liked this other girl (miss.Y) who dint even try to understand me and left with her BF. Then.... ". He goes on and on and I am wondering if this guy's heart has been broken more than million times and still this guy continues his search for the "true love" which seems non-existent in this whole world. his cell phone rings, "Hello... Heeeeey hi... what’s up?" he goes on.. I thank god for breaking this conversation (one way) and start wondering whom is he talking to so nicely even after so many heart breaks. Finally his conversation ends and I ask him who was it. He says, some nice girl in his office whom he likes very much. That was enough for me.

I went on to meet many people with their own stories of broken hearts and finally realized that some people keep living in past after their heart is broken and some others keep searching for the person whom he believes will not break his heart. There are some more people who spend their time writing such blogs to repair their broken heart


Vidya said...

hehe.. good one.. I think the second chaps approach is much better :D No point dwelling on the past!

Sachin said...

I agree that there is no point in dwelling in past, but then do u think second chap is getting his true love or wil he be able to get it??

Unknown said...

Hmm.. Second chap, huh!!
Swacko nan magane.. I dont think he would be looking for true love nymore.. he will only be getting and making more n more phone calls :P